
We Are proud to contribute to the local economy!

At J&J Lepera Infrastructures Inc. we specialize in the heavy civil construction of roads, sewers, water mains, underground utilities, bridge rehabilitation and earth moving.

We are proud to contribute to the local economy and provide the community with opportunities to explore jobs in construction and civil engineering. As the city of Windsor has begun to transform itself into a region guided by environmental sustainability, we have also expanded our services to include the construction of windmill projects and solar energy sites.

Joe Lepera, P. Eng. President, and Joe Francisco, Vice President, have over 25 years experience in the management and supervision of local construction projects. J&J Lepera’s staff of Professional Engineers works very closely with highly skilled supervisors and a trained labour force. Our union affiliations with the Local 625 Labourers and the Operating Engineers have remained strong throughout the years. All employees have extensive training and development from our own Environmental Health and Safety Division. Each individual is committed to work safely, efficiently and cooperatively to complete all projects “ON TIME AND ON BUDGET”

Completed Projects
0 +
Associations & Affiliations
Knowledgeable Team Members
Awards won

Executive managers

Joe Lepera, P.Eng.


Phone: 519.972.1700
[email protected]

Joe Francisco

Vice President

Phone: 519.972.1700
[email protected]


Ali AlQayssi, P.Eng

Project Manager / Estimator

Phone: 519.972.1700
[email protected]

Joseph Lepera, P.Eng, MBA

General Manager

Phone: 519.972.1700
[email protected]

Joey Najim, P.ENG

Project Manager / Estimator

Phone: 519.972.1700
[email protected]


Drew Hepburn, P.ENG

Project Manager

Phone: 519.972.1700
[email protected]

Dave Wilson, BComm, C.E.T.

Project Manager

Phone: 519.972.1700
[email protected]

Luke Zarlenga

Project Manager / Surveyor

Phone: 519.972.1700
[email protected]

Kaitlyn Weaver

Project Manager

Phone: 519.972.1700
[email protected]


Jeff Freitas

Health & Safety Coordinator

Phone: 519.972.1700
[email protected]


Sarah Imeson

Document Control Manager

Phone: 519.972.1700
Fax: 519.972.1706
[email protected]

Sarah Seguin

Office Manager

Phone: 519.972.1700
Fax: 519.972.1706
[email protected]

What Our Clients Say...

Walker Road/Wyandotte Street East, Intersection Improvements

"We not only substantially completed the contract on time, but also completed additional and unexpected work. Cheers, to all of us. It was professionally handled, good team work"
Engineering Department, City of Windsor