Our Current Projects
At J & J Lepera, we take great pride in re-building and re-structuring our local community. Every project we complete is contributing to the functionality of Windsor-Essex by ensuring that the community can continue to grow and expand in the future. If you’re interested in learning more, take a look at some of our projects below.
Lauzon Parkway Reconstruction – City of Windsor – Ongoing June 2024
Delduca Sanitary Sewer Extension – Town of Tecumseh – Ongoing Spring 2024
Pond Construction and Culvert Installation – Bridging North America – Summer 2024
Completed Projects

Downtown Essex Centre Streetscaping
Owner: Town of Essex
Scheduled: Completed Summer 2024
Value: $8.5 million
Consultant: Stantec Consulting
Brief description of work:
TThe project encompassed the Downtown Essex Centre on Talbot Road from Cameron Avenue to Arthur Avenue, Victoria Avenue from S Talbot Road to Talbot Road and Centre Avenue from Alice St to Talbot Road. It will include new watermain, curb and gutter, catch basins, sidewalks (pavers), street lighting, restoration and infrastructure replacement.

Rourke Line Road Reconstruction
Owner: Municipality of Lakeshore
Scheduled: Completed Spring 2023
Value: $7.8 million
Consultant: Stantec Consulting
Brief description of work:
The project consisted generally of supplying all materials, labour and equipment for the reconstruction of Rourke Line Road, between County Rd No 22 and Caille Ave, including removal of exisiting pavements, install of approx 231m of new 250mm dia sanitary sewer to be installed by open cut methodm install of approx. 686m of new 900mm dia outfall sewer to be installed by open cut method and 67m to be installed by jack and bore method including 1372mm dia steel casing pipes across VIA Rail R.O.W. chambers, curb and gutter, catch basins and leads, sidewalks, driveways, roadways and pavement markings.

Victor Street and Viscount Parkway
Owner: Town of Essex
Scheduled: Completed Summer 2022
Value: $1.6 million
Consultant: R.C. Spencer Associates Inc
Brief description of work:
The Victor Street and Viscount Parkway Infrastructures Improvements project will begin in the Fall of 2021. This project includes the construction of watermains, replacement of storm sewers and catch basins with connections, road reconstruction including curb and gutters and new asphalt, new sidewalks and installation of streetlighting along Victor Street and Viscount Parkway in the Town of Essex.

Meighen Road Subdivision Development
Owner: The Corporation of the City of Windsor
Scheduled: Completed Summer 2022
Value: $1.5 million
Consultant: The Corporation of the City of Windsor
Brief description of work:
The Meighen Road Subdivision project involves creation of new length of Meighen Road for the new subdivision including storm sewer, sanitary sewer, watermain, private service connections, primary and secondary hydro. Streetlighting, new asphalt pavement construction and the construction of a stormwater dry pond required to facilitate and service 14 new building lots. Work will continue on Meldrum Road and Chandler Road involving private service connections for water, storm and sanitary services, hydro and reconstruction of existing asphalt pavement required and additional 14 building lots (11 on Meldrum and 3 on Chandler).

Road 2 East Reconstruction Phase 1
Owner: Town of Kingsville
Scheduled: Completed Summer 2022
Value: $6.5 million
Consultant: R.C. Spencer Associates Inc
Brief description of work:
Work on Wellington/LaCroix Street Watermain Replacement involved installation of sanitary sewers, storm sewers and watermains - including directional drilling of watermain and water services. Also full road reconstruction - curb & gutter, sidewalks, asphalt and additional restoration.

Wellington Street Reconstruction and LaCroix Street Watermain Replacement
Owner: The Municipality of Chatham Kent
Scheduled: Completed Winter 2021
Value: $3.3 million
Consultant: R.C. Spencer Associates Inc
Brief description of work:
Work on Wellington/LaCroix Street Watermain Replacement involved installation of sanitary sewers, storm sewers and watermains - including directional drilling of watermain and water services. Also full road reconstruction - curb & gutter, sidewalks, asphalt and additional restoration.

Provincial Division Corridor Improvements Phase 2
Owner: The Corporation of the City of Windsor
Scheduled: Completed Fall 2021
Value: $7.8 million
Consultant: Dillon Consulting Windsor
Brief description of work:
The Provincial Corridor Improvements Phase 2 project includes construction of new trunk storm sewers including jack and bore operations underneath CN Railways crossing, installation of underground storage chambers, storm water pump station and OGS unit, regrading of 6th Conc drain, replacement of storm sewer pipe crossing Provincial Rd and relining of culvert underneath CN Railway tracks. This also includes excavation and grading, placement and compaction of fill materials, installation of asphalt pavement including road reconstruction on Provincial Rd and pathway restoration in Captain John Wilson Park.

Jasperson Drive - Phase 3 Road Reconstruction
Owner: Town of Kingsville
Scheduled: Completed Fall 2021
Value: $1.5 million
Consultant: N.J. Peralta Engineering Ltd
Brief description of work:
The Jasperson Drive project includes storm and sanitary sewers, watermain and appurtenances, roadway reconstruction, utilities installation as well as complete boulevard restoration.

County Road 11 / South Talbot Road - Roundabout Construction
Owner: County of Essex
Scheduled: Completed Winter 2020
Value: $2.4 million
Consultant: CIMA
Brief description of work:
Reconstruction of the existing signalized intersection into a roundabout; including the replacement of road crossing culverts and the realignment of regulated ditches.

John Street / Queen Street Sewer Separation and Road Reconstruction
Owner: Municipality of Leamington
Scheduled: Completed Fall 2020
Value: $2.1 million
Consultant: RC Spencer
Brief description of work:
The sewer separation and road reconstruction of John Street from Erie to Queens Avenue and Queens Avenue from John to Talbot, including the reconstruction of the Italian Centennial Park and Queens Avenue Parking Lot.

Point Pelee National Roadworks
Owner: Parks Canada / PWGSC
Scheduled: Completed Fall 2020
Value: $6.6 million
Consultant: WSP
Brief description of work:
Underground installation of electrical and phone lines which is expected to maximize the impact of the utilities through the park – the project also includes sewage treatment improvements and repaving of the seven-kilometre main road from the entrance to the visitor centre.

Heritage Estates Stormwater Improvements
Owner: Town of LaSalle
Scheduled: Completed Fall 2019
Value: $4.7 million
Consultant: Stantec Consulting
Brief description of work:
Construction of a dry pond, underground storage chambers, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, multi-use trail, landscaping of Heritage Park, parking lot, multi-use court, fencing as well as complete restoration of site. The work also included engaging and coordinating sub-contractor of the playground equipment.

Oakwood Truck Sanitary Sewers
Owner: Town of Lakeshore
Scheduled: Completed Fall 2018
Value: $1.7 million
Consultant: Stantec Consulting
Brief description of work:
Construction of approx. 525m of new 900mm dia trunk sanitary sewer, appurtenances, connecting to existing truck sanitary sewer and complete restoration, including approx.. 130m of truck sewer to be installed via trenchless construction methodology.

Mill Street Road Reconstruction and Sewer Separation
Owner: Town of Leamington
Scheduled: Completed June 2019
Value: $2.6 million
Consultant: RC Spencer
Brief description of work:
Mill Street Road Reconstruction and Sewer Separation – including relocation and reconfiguration of traffic signals, watermain installation, sewer separation and road construction along with the required excavation, boring, grading, landscaping and restoration. Concrete curb and asphalt pavement restoration with pavement marking.

Erie South, Stewart, Conover & Forest Sewer Separation and Road Reconstruction
Owner: Town of Leamington
Scheduled: Completed June 2019
Value: $4.2 million
Consultant: Aecom
Brief description of work:
Reconstruction of streets including road, sidewalks, storm sewers, sanitary sewers and streetlights. Erie Street South from Seacliff Drive to Robson Road, Conover Avenue from Forest Avenue to Erie Street South, Stewart Crescent from north limit to Conover Avenue and from Forest Avenue from Seacliff Drive to Park Street.

Edgewater Sewage Diversion – PS22 Upgrades & Forcemain
Owner: Town of Amherstburg
Scheduled: Completed Fall 2019
Value: $7.4 million
Consultant: Jacobs
Brief description of work:
Project consisted of upgrades to pump stations, building of a new 4km force main to connect with the Amherstburg wastewater treatment plant and renovations to the processing building.

George Ave Reservoir
Owner: Enwin/WUC
Scheduled: Completed Spring 2019
Consultant: Kenaidan Contracting Ltd
Brief description of work:
Excavation for reservoir – over 30000 cubic metres, asphalt access roads and parking works. Installation of 1800mm CPP Inlet/Outlet Reservoir Piping. Restoration Works / High Lift Building.

Downtown Streetscaping – Ouellette Avenue
Owner: City of Windsor
Scheduled: Completed Fall 2018
Value: $6 million
Consultant: City of Windsor Engineering
Brief description of work:
Downtown Windsor – Ouellette Avenue from Wyandotte to Elliott Street watermain and services installation. Streetscape Improvements including drainage and utility reports.

Pelee Bevel Sanitary Collection Systems – Phase 1, 2, 3 & 4
Owner: Town of Leamington
Scheduled: Completed Fall 2018
Value: $10.8 million
Consultant: Dillion Consulting
Brief description of work:
This project consists of new sanitary truck sewers, forcemains, pump stations and watermain upgrades along Bevel line Road, Point Pelee Drive, Mersea Road C and Ellis Street in Leamington. Two submerged sanitary pump stations constructed with sanitary forcemain and gravity sewers. In addition two new sections of watermain constructed along Bevel Line and Point Pelee Drive including drain restoration and replacement.

EPS Installation – The Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway
Owner: Windsor Essex Mobility Group
Scheduled: Completed Oct 2015
Value: $7 million
Consultant: Parkway Infrastructures Constructors / Hatch Mott MacDonald
Brief description of work:
Installation of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) on all the tunnels and bridges – to be used instead of traditional backfill in order to relieve the horizontal stresses against the tunnels.

MSE Wall Installation – The Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway
Owner: Windsor Essex Mobility Group
Scheduled: Completed Feb 2016
Value: $17 million
Consultant: Parkway Infrastructures Constructors / Hatch Mott MacDonald
Brief description of work:
The excavation, backfilling and installation of MSE walls in accordance with installation guidelines provided by suppliers, contractor specifications, OPSS, MTO Manuals and guidelines. Work included preparing the ground for the leveling pad, unloading and erecting MSE Wall panels along with necessary reinforcing straps/grids, backfilling with granular and lightweight aggregate and installing coping including Eva foam with the joint glued in place.

Westcott Road Rehabilitation
Owner: City of Windsor
Scheduled: Summer 2010
Value: $1.7 Million
Consultant: RC Spencer Associates Inc.
Brief description of work:
• Removal of existing pavement
• Excavation and grading
• Sanitary sewers
• Storm sewers
• Watermains
• Concrete sidewalks
• New roadway pavement
• Restoration

Laurier Parkway Extension – Malden Road to Howard Avenue
Owner: Town of LaSalle
Scheduled: Summer 2010
Value: $10.1 Million
Consultant: Dillon Consulting Ltd.
Brief description of work:
• Road Construction with Asphalt Paths
• Storm Sewers
• Roadside Ditches
• Sanitary Sewer
• Watermains
• Concrete sidewalks
• Traffic Signals and Street Lighting
• Restoration

Walker Road / Wyandotte Street East, Intersection Improvements
Owner: Corporation of the City of Windsor
Scheduled: Summer 2010
Value: $3.3 Million
Consultant: Dillon Consulting Ltd.
Brief description of work:
• Installation of Storm Sewers
• Rehabilitation of Combined Sewers
• Installation of Watermain
• Construction of Concrete Road Pavement and Sidewalks
• Traffic Signal Infrastructure and Streetlighting

Road Rehab II and IV
Owner: Corporation of the City of Windsor
Scheduled: Summer 2011
Value: $3.0 Million
Consultant: City of Windsor
Brief description of work:
• Full reconstruction of the existing pavements, adjacent residential sidewalks and driveways, and the restoration of boulevard areas
• Construction of watermains including the transfer of existing water services, in conjunction with pavement reconstruction
• Directional drilling of watermains in specified areas of job

Albuna Water Tower – Site Works, Kingsville, Ontario
Owner: Ontario Clean Water Agency
Scheduled: Spring/Summer 2011
Consultant: Landmark Structures
Brief description of work:
• Supply and installation of reinforced concrete high pressure watermain
• Sanitary sewer services
• Grading
• Overflow detention pond
• Access road and driveway
• Landscaping and restoration

DRIC, Windsor Essex Parkway, Parkway Infrastructure Constructors- Enwin Duct installation for use in the Design and Build of the Windsor Essex Parkway in Windsor,ON
Owner: Ontario, Ontario Ministry of Transportation
Scheduled: Completed 2014
Consultant: Parkway Infrastructure Constructors, with Windsor Essex Mobility Group
Brief description of work:
• Construction of the Duct bank and Utility Chambers for use by Enwin Utilities for installation of power sources and streetlights used in the Design and build of the Windsor Essex Parkway
• This 36 conduit stack will provide all the electrical space required for final electrical, traffic and communication installations
•This Utility corridor is installed prior to final road and structures being constructed

CS Wind
Owner: Rosati Group
Civil Engineer: Aleo and Associates
Purpose: Windmill Component Production Building Expansion and yard storage for heavy equipment and loadings
Brief description of work:
• Supply and install underground site servicing of: Watermain and firemain, Storm sewer system including water treatment quality units, Sanitary sewer system
• Excavate, haul and dispose clay off-site including proof rolling of subbase
•Supply, place, compact, and grading for approximately 4 hectare of granular material

South West Detention Centre, Windsor Ontario
Owner: Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Scheduled: Summer 2011
Contractor: Bondfield Construction Company Limited
Architect: NORR Ltd.
Brief description of work:
• Construction of the new 315-bed facility in Windsor Ontario
• Play field preparation, storm retention and storm water quality installations
•Services include site works, sewers ,watermains excavation and backfilling of buildings and Parking lots

Walker Road Corridor Storm Sewer Outlet
Owner: City of Windsor
Scheduled: Completed Summer 2010
Consultant: RC Spencer Associates Inc.
Brief description of work:
• Construction of 2100 mm storm sewer pipe from Walker Rd to Grand Marais Drain Outlet
• To provide storm water outlet for the next phase of Walker Rd Reconstruction scheduled summer of 2012