our services

We provide an extensive range of heavy civil construction services for municipalities, government agencies and ministries, developers and general contractors. In cooperation with our own Environmental Health and Safety Division, all services are performed in a safe workplace environment.

Civil work related to DRIC, WEP

under subcontract with Parkway Infrastructure Constructors

Underground utility conduit installations

on behalf of Enwin Utilities

Installations of Reinforced Earth wall systems


Installations of Terrafort MSE retaining wall systems

by Terrafix

Installations of Retaining wall systems

by Maccaferri and Nilex

Installations of Geospec/EPS fill materials

by Plasti-Fab EPS Product Solutions

Municipal Infrastructure Projects

Heavy Civil Construction

Earth Moving and Storm Water Management Construction

Commercial/Industrial Site Services Construction and Development

Sanitary and Storm Sewer Pump Stations and Forcemain Construction

Storm Water Management Systems

Bridge and Culvert Construction and Rehabilitation Projects

Townhouse and Subdivision Site Servicing

Sewage Lagoon Earthwork and Expansion

Concrete Pressure Pipe

If you’re interested in consultation and budget estimates for any of the above services, please contact our project managers